Introduction to Instructional Design EME 601
This course introduces participants to the systems approach to instructional design. The major components of instructional development models will be presented. This course provides introductory information and application of skills and techniques necessary in the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of instruction (often referred to as the ADDIE framework). This course will consider these issues at both the curriculum (macro) and lesson (micro) level.
Theories of Learning and Cognition EME 602
The course is designed to provide you with the distinctions and concepts necessary to apply various theories of learning, cognition and instruction to traditional and distance learning settings. These theories are tools that educators, administrators, instructors, counselors, parents and many others can use to make their endeavors more productive and useful. This course will introduce and illustrate the proper use of these tools in providing insights into defining and solving problems. The emphasis will always be on the use of these theories to solve realistic and relevant problems drawn from your own personal experience or from cases we will study.
Seminar in Instructional Design EME 660
Discuss topics in instructional design (ID), such as ID models and innovative approaches to ID research. Invited specialists present lectures and lead discussions on current topics and projects. The student will discuss and contribute to each of these topics.
Applied Philosophy for Curricular Design and Implementation EDU 622
This course is an introduction to the philosophical field of epistemology and how it applies to education and learning. While the course is strongly grounded in philosophy, an emphasis will be placed on the application and relationship of epistemology to students, teachers and learning.
Media for Instruction EME 612
This course covers different forms of media used for instruction, about how they can be produced and disseminated, and about the technologies that help and hinder the process of understanding. This course will explore how media, text, and technology intersect and will benefit students who anticipate authoring or sharing instructional media and texts as well as those who anticipate using or managing materials authored by others in an instructional context. We will focus on issues related to the open learning movement, through which technology is used to make instructional media and texts available to a wide audience. This course is delivered in hybrid mode.
Performance System Analysis EME 644
This course is designed to provide the foundational information and activities to develop the skills necessary to be successful in completing performance systems analysis in a variety of settings. While the class will focus on a narrow domain, the skills learned in the course can be applied in a variety of domains.
UX Design for Emerging Platforms PCDD 0323
Human-centered design for Emerging Platforms, includes developing strategies for smartphones, smart appliances, apps, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), digital assistant(AI), You will design compelling and useful products that span across digital platforms and include arrangements on tablet, smartphone, and emerging platforms and whatever will come next. Consider the design implications and impact of ubiquitous and pervasive computing while centering the technology around the human.
Introduction to UX: User Research PCDD 0321 
User Experience is the convergence of a "user," a person who owns a product, employs a service or is part of a system, and "experience," what it feels like when you interact with a product, service or system. Shortened in industry practice to UX Design, this course will focus on the first stage in the process of UX Design: the foundations and methods of user research and discovery. Good UX research builds on the use of qualitative and quantitative tools as research methods; surveys, formal experiments, interviews and usability tests may all be used as part of a UX researcher’s toolkit. UX research is founded on the ability to develop a deep understanding of a users' wants and needs, and the capacity to examine the broader context in which the product, service or system exists. This course will introduce you to the current industry tools and techniques used for UX research, and how to incorporate them into real-world product development. We’ll translate raw data into insights, and insights into the basis for new designs.​​​​​​​
Research and Inquiry EME 603
This is a foundational course that addresses inquiry and measurement concepts at a level appropriate for master’s degree students. Through this course students will learn concepts and acquire skills that will help them make data-based decisions related to learning and human performance.
Foundations of Interaction Design PCDD 0322
User Experience Design, which focuses on the holistic process of designing meaningful connections between users and the designed world can be broken down into three general categories: UX Research, Content Strategy, and Interaction Design. While we will briefly touch on the first two categories, this course will focus primarily on the last - Interaction Design. Interaction Design (IxD) focuses on the structure of interactive systems and how those systems behave in response to interaction with users. Simply put, the interaction designer connects the wants and needs of users with the business goals and objectives of a digital product or service provider by creating interactive experiences that are functional, reliable, useful, frictionless, desirable, and ultimately, meaningful. This course provides a broad overview and orientation of the precepts, principles and methods surrounding the user-centered interaction design process with a focus on the impact of design on usability, inclusiveness, and the creation of meaningful connections between digital products and services and the people for whom they are designed. 
Usability Testing and Evaluation PCDD 0324
User-Centered or User-Experience Design (UX) is an exciting and rapidly expanding field. In this course, the fourth in the certificate, and building on ideas introduced in previous courses, students will learn about the concepts underlying usability testing and evaluating web sites and apps, to generate guidance for creating more usable websites and apps. Topics in this course include creating and moderating usability tests, conducting remote usability tests, using surveys to find suitable participants and knowing when to conduct an A/B test. This is a hands-on course and the instructor will introduce students to the usability testing process of defining a test goal, creating a test plan, defining testing tasks and analyzing usability test results. Additionally, students will be introduced to Google Analytics, to better understand how users navigate around a website. Students will have an opportunity to join in two question/answer sessions. At the end of this six week course students will present the process and results of their usability test project that can be added to their portfolio. Applications used in this course are freely available and no purchase of software is required.
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology EME 610
This course is designed for students who intend to become professionals in the field of instructional design and technology. Professionals in any field should be able to do more than just perform the skills associated with it; they should also know something about the field’s history, its current status and the trends and issues likely to impact it. The purpose of this course is to help you become conversant in these areas. This course may be offered face-to-face or in hybrid mode.
Introduction to Systematic Instructional Design EME 620
This course is designed for students who intend to become professionals in the field of instructional design and technology. Professionals in any field should be able to do more than just perform the skills associated with it; they should also know something about the field’s history, its current status and the trends and issues likely to impact it. The purpose of this course is to help you become conversant in these areas. This course may be offered face-to-face or in hybrid mode.
Advanced Seminary in Instructional Design EME 661
Discuss advanced topics in instructional design (ID), such as new ID models and innovative approaches to ID research. Invited specialists present lectures and lead discussion on current topics and projects. The students will discuss and contribute to each of these topics. Additionally, this course will cover ethics, contract negotiations, professional development, networking, stakeholder interactions, interviewing skills, instructional development and advanced presentation skills. This course will require the completion of a field internship and/or an advanced instructional design project for a field-based stakeholder as well as a comprehensive exam (professional portfolio).

UX/UI Portfolio PCDD 0325
User-Centered or User-Experience Design (UX) is an exciting and rapidly expanding field. In this course, the fifth and culminating course in the certificate, students will be guided through a six week process to create a professional portfolio demonstrating their UX/UI capabilities. Topics in this course include the importance of understanding the self for guiding design, how design is story-telling and ways for you to relate your portfolio to your design approach, and hands on methods to guide the portfolio creation with presentation tips. Along the way the instructor will bring in design and UX/UI professionals to speak about the industry and answer questions. At the end of the course students will gather online to share their portfolio and experience. Applications used in this course are freely available and no purchase of software is required.​​​​​​​
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