The Effect of Parent Activity Style on Child Sport Preferences: This preliminary research study was conducted for the course EME 603: Inquiry and Measurement. The project was conducted over a 12-week time during the fall 2022 semester. After receiving IRB approval at the University of Tampa, a set of surveys and interviews were conducted with parents of children from 2 to 18 years of age in the United States. The goal of the study was to evaluate whether the modeling of physical activity by parents had an effect on the type of sports or activities preferred by their children. The hypothesized implication was that if there was a significant effect, parents could target the development of specific life skills in their children by influencing their preferences between youth or team sports. Each student served the role of researcher and was responsible for distributing the survey to their own personal network of educators from their undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Tampa.
The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the relationship between the type of physical activity that parents model for their children and the sport preferences of those children. A survey was digitally distributed to parents of school-aged children. Data indicated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the type of physical activity parents model for their child and the sport preferences of their child. A notable finding of this study includes that parents most frequently rated self-esteem as the most valuable life skills for their child(ren).
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This presentation is a review of existing research on the Instructional Design trend of Universal Design for Learning. The presentation was created for EME 610: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design. The literature review conducted for the project focused on scholarly articles that examined accessibility in various learning environments, including online, and the use of universal design as a solution to the current issues in the field of instructional design. 
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